Wurzburg Twinning Association 3,6/5 8811 reviews
  1. Wurzburg Twinning Association
  2. Wurzburg Twinning Association Society
  3. Wurzburg Twinning Association Group
  4. Wurzburg Twinning Association Convention

The twinning between Dundee and Nablus is a formal agreement between the City of Dundee and the Municipality of Nablus. The Lord Provost of Dundee and the Mayor of Nablus have the principal responsibility for this twinning which has been authorised and formalised by the City Council of Dundee and the Municipality of Nablus.

TWINNING ASSOCIATION. Within easy reach is Heidelberg, already twined with Cambridge. 20 minutes to the east is the town of Wurzburg, an excellent starting point for exploring Die Romantische Strasse. This is a list of municipalities in Germany which have standing links to local communities in other countries, or in other parts of Germany (mostly across the former inner German border).In most cases, the association, especially when formalised by local government, is known as 'town twinning' (though other terms, such as 'partner towns' or 'sister cities' are sometimes used instead),.

The Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association therefore exists - at the invitation of the Lord Provost of Dundee - to assist and support this twinning agreement.

Our main role is to encourage friendship between people in the two cities. We help people in Dundee to understand more about the people of Nablus.

A key element is to promote collaboration between people in each city on various projects. And we encourage visits in both directions.

History of the Twinning

The idea of making a twinning link between Dundee and Nablus arose after the car of the then Mayor of Nablus, Bassam Shaka’a, was booby-trapped; he lost his legs and came to the UK to be fitted with new limbs. There had been trade union links between Dundee and Palestine for a while, so Dundee Councillor Colin Rennie, Ernie Ross MP and George Galloway met up with Bassam Shaka’a in London.

It was there that Colin Rennie suggested twinning. On 28th November 1980 the decision to twin with Nablus was passed by the District Council - a courageous act in the face of considerable opposition. Two weeks later Mayor Shaka’a came to Dundee, where he was welcomed by Lord Provost Jim Gowans and Ernie Ross MP and a group of students. He brought gifts, including the shield on display in Dundee City Chambers. By December the Palestinian flag was flying in Dundee alongside those of its other twin cities.

October 1996

Wurzburg twinning association group

Over the years several visits have taken place between the two cities, though this has become increasingly difficult. Nevertheless, in October 1996 an official Twinning document was signed in Dundee by Lord Provost Mervyn Rolfe & Mayor Ghassan Shaka’a. It said:

'By the re-affirmation of the arrangement, the two cities of Dundee and Nablus pledge that together they will actively co-operate to ensure the continuing development of close relationships between their citizens.'

November 2005

2005 saw the 25th anniversary of the two city twinning. This event was celebrated with a party and a civic reception in Dundee where Nablus was represented by three delegates from the projects DNTA has supported in the city. Meanwhile, the DNTA convener was in Nablus, marking the occasion there. A new document was signed:

'Proud of the contribution their respective cities have made to international friendship and understanding the Lord Provost of the City of Dundee and the Acting Mayor of Nablus wish to reaffirm the twinning treaty. By the reaffirmation of this treaty the cities of both Dundee and Nablus pledge that together,

They will actively co-operate to ensure the continuing development of close relationships between the citizens.

They promise to facilitate the creation of direct links between institutions and organisations wishing to partake in twinning activity.

They will encourage exchanges between young people to ensure succeeding generations learn the history of the relationship between the cities and the role that each has played in its own national history.

They will take every opportunity to share skills and knowledge to the benefit of their respective citizens.

Wurzburg twinning association convention

They undertake to convene regular meetings between representatives in order to evaluate co-operation programmes.'

The Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association

The Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association (DNTA) was formed in 1993 when Lord Provost Tom McDonald established an association for each of Dundee's twin cities. Our role is to assist the Council in its twinning activities.

DNTA helps to spread news about the twinning throughout Dundee and beyond. It encourages membership, organises activities, publishes a newsletter and arranges visits to and from Nablus.

Anyone who shares our interests in promoting friendship and understanding between the people of Dundee and Nablus is welcome to join us. Please fill in our membership form or contact our Secretary.

Other twins

Dundee is also twinned with Orléans (France), Würzburg (Germany), Alexandria (USA and Zadar (Croatia).

Nablus is also twinned with Lille (France), Nazareth (Israel), Dublin (Ireland), Como (Italy), Florence (Italy), Naples (Italy), Toscana (Italy), Poznań (Poland), Rabat (Morocco), Stavanger (Norway) and Khasavyurt (Russia)


Wurzburg Twinning Association

Nablus and Dundee, two cities you would never ordinarily mention in the same sentence.
That’s because the two places, one in the West Bank of Palestine - the Holy Land – and the other looking out across the North Sea in Scotland, could not be less alike.
Nablus, a village inhabited by the Samaritan people before the birth of Christ, has a long and historically important history.
Situated between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, it houses Biblical sites such as Joseph’s Tomb and Jacob’s Well, the Roman’s built the city from 72 AD an it was captured by Crusaders a thousand years later.
And then you’ve got Dundee, a Scottish coastal city which famous for Dundee cake, two football clubs and Ricky Ross of Deacon Blue.
Not the most likely town to be twinned with an ancient city in the Holy Land.
This bizarre twinning came about in 1980, with controversial on-off British MP George Galloway leading the link-up.

Galloway, along with now retired Ernie Ross MP and then Dundee Councillor Colin Rennie.
The trio met up with Nablus mayor Bassam Shaka’a in London after he came to London to receive prosthetic legs following a bomb attack in Palestine.
It’s fair to say that issues in Palestine and the Middle East, possibly first addressed by Galloway around this time, have shaped his career.

The twinning was so successful that when Shaka’a needed a second pair of limbs, he came to Dundee Limb Fitting Centre. Naturally.
In 1996 an official twinning document was signed by the Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association.
Strangely, I have been to Nablus but not Dundee – though I am a big fan of Scotland.

NOTE: In the photograph (above) is Nablus’ current Guvernor Jibrin Al-Bakri, who was the subject of an assassination attempt by Hamas - the Palestinian political party which governs Gaza - two years ago.
The book Palestiniana is coming soon.

Dundee is also twinned with Orleans in France and German city Wurzburg.
Nablus is twinned with Lille, (France), Nazareth, (Israel), Dublin (Ireland), Como (Italy), Florence (Italy), Naples (Italy), Toscana (Italy), Poznan (Poland), Rabat (Morocco), Stavanger (Norway), Khasavyurt (Russia) and, of course, Dundee.

General Information
Nablus is about 66 km north of Jerusalem, 42km east of the Mediterranean.
Summer is hot and dry, winter moderate and rainy. The temperature ranges from 8° to 26° Centigrade.
One of Palestine’s largest cities, Nablus has a population of 326,752 in 2003, about half in the old city and half in surrounding suburbs and refugee camps.
The City of Dundee is situated beside the River Tay, at sea level. It is at the end of a rift valley, and is overlooked by The Law: a ‘pipe’ or small volcano. It is about 60 km north of Edinburgh.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Society

Summer is cool but sunny, winter is cold. The temperature ranges from about 0° to 20° Centigrade. It is Scotland’s fourth largest city, with a population of about 140,000.(in 2004)

Nablus is famous for its soap industry. Also for marble and building materials, pharmaceuticals, goldsmiths, and the making of delicious sweets, the local variety being called ‘knafeh’.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Group

Dundee’s chief business today is in biotechnology, electronics and education. Also computer games, comics, tyres, and call centres.
Both cities have been important trading centres. Dundee's harbours are no longer as busy as they used to be, though it has enjoyed something of a revival with oil business and cruise ship visits. Nablus is at the junction of two ancient commercial roads running north/south and east/west. But in recent years Israeli road blocks have severely hampered imports and exports.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Convention

In Nablus there are 66 public schools and 21 private. In the refugee camps and the villages round about there are another 104, with camp schools run by the United Nations.
There are two universities; An Najah University, largest of the universities in Palestine, with 19,000 students, and Al-Rawda National School. Nearly all the students live in the old city because it is impossible to travel daily from the villages through the checkpoints.
Dundee has 52 schools; 10 secondary, 41 primary and one special. There are two universities, Dundee and Abertay, plus Dundee College, with 33,000 students between them.
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