Ocasio Cortez Kicked Off 3,5/5 385 reviews
  1. Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez

So now the two are fighting about it well after it became a done deal, each signalling that she had been seething in fury at the other for ... days. Now it's exploded out in public. According to Fox News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back Saturday night after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized her and other far-left freshmen congresswomen for voting against a $4.6 billion border bill that President Trump signed into law on Monday.

Congress had approved the bill with help from moderate Democrats – and in a New York Times interview Pelosi slammed the progressive wing of her party for not also supporting the humanitarian-assistance measure.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez officially kicked off her reelection campaign Saturday with a ceremony opening a new office in Queens. More than 100 people packed into the small enclosure in Corona. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) fired back at Fox News prime time host Laura Ingraham for mocking her job as a bartender before she was elected to Congress. The Fox News host kicked off the.

Ocasio-Cortez attorneys had previously said she had been removed as an “entity governor” from the board in June 2018, but Justice Democrats only made a corporate filing to that effect on March 15, nine months afterward. Advertisement - story continues below. Considering what a monumental idiot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is, she may think she already kicked Joe Biden out of the democratic party. Whatever the case, the dingbat NY Rep. Doesn’t believe the former VP and current presidential candidate belongs in the same party as her. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex (D-NY), who is one of the most far-left members of Congress, was overwhelmingly rejected during a secret ballot vote on Friday in her bid to be seated on a powerful congressional committee.

“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” Pelosi said. “But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”

But Ocasio-Cortez took a different view.

“That public ‘whatever’ is called public sentiment,” Ocasio-Cortez answered later in a Twitter message. “And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.”

In a separate message, Ocasio-Cortez also defended the use of social media by herself and her fellow newcomers to Congress, over the more traditional – and often more expensive and time-consuming — methods favored by longer-serving lawmakers.

“I find it strange when members act as though social media isn’t important,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “They set millions of [dollars] on [fire] to run TV ads so people can see their message.

“I haven’t dialed for dollars *once* this year,” she added, “& have more time to do my actual job. Yet we’d rather campaign like it’s 2008.”


What we're looking at now is open warfare. Pelosi dismisses Ocasio-Cortez as an insignificant gnat whose chief political strength is in Twitter followers, and oh, she only persuaded four congress members to go along with her, a miserable four. And that focus on Twitter followers creates a lot of noise, but doesn't particularly translate into votes, she snipes.

Ocasio-Cortez bites back that Pelosi is old, out of touch, not with-it, an old hag living in the past. '...rather campaign like it's 2008'? Such a thrown punch. She also says that she's changing public opinion since, you know, she's a social-media 'influencer.' Seems Democrats can't sell themselves otherwise.

What a striking contrast to all the bee ess interviews the pair of them have given about really liking each other and not at all being at odds.

Remember when Ocasio-Cortez kicked off her freshman congressional entry by holding a sit-in protest at Nancy Pelosi's office? Or that she ran on the argument to voters that she wasn't going to vote for Pelosi for House Speaker, but did anyway, after she was paid off with committee seats?

Riley roberts ocasio cortez

Nicey, nicey, nicey, nicey statements followed from both Ocasio-Cortez and Pelosi about how the two of them were really the best of allies, two peas in a pod, loaded with great respect for each other. Remember Ocasio-Cortez's and Pelosi's lovebirding one another for 60 Minutes? Remember the Rolling Stone group love-photo on the cover, complete with Pelosi and her radicals all praising each other and fake smiling? Both were pure Democrat propaganda to cover up the long knives in the background. What an embarassment they look in retrospect.

Turns out the two of them have the stilettos and the catcalls aimed at one another and much as they try to paper it over, the bile spurts out. At this point, it's gotten pretty open. The pair can't stand each other. And that, in a sense poses a threat to Pelosi's rationale as House Speaker, as supposedly a great unifier in her party, something she demonstrates most of the time by caving in to the screams and thrown spoons from the Ocasio-Cortez high chair. Since Pelosi didn't cave this one little time on the border funding, she got an absolute tantrum. But now she's finally sick of it.

This is great popcorn stuff for the Republicans to watch, because it's an open rift between the four Democrat crazies, who've been spoiled and indulged up the wazoo up until now (think of that miserable watered-down House resolution on Ocasio-Cortez's ally, Rep. Ilhan Omar, and her rabid and repeat anti-Semitism), and Pacific Heights matron and old Democratic dinosaur Pelosi. Obviously Mamma Pelosi is spotting trouble on the horizon for all of them and starting to put some brakes on.

That's only triggered the House radicals with their bigger mouths on Twitter into overdrive. The ensuing tweet-storm could well become a blizzard. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of leftists.

Image credit: Montage by Monica Showalter, with artistically altered images by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr and Ståle Grut nkrbeta via Wikimedia Commons // both CC BY-SA 2.0, with a public domain image.

Two days after the presidential election, former presidential candidate Evan McMullin, who ran for the office along with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in 2016, promoted the idea of making a list targeting those who back Trump’s call to investigate potential voter fraud. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) agreed, calling for someone to begin “archiving” statements by “Trump sycophants.”

McMullin tweeted, “We should keep and publish a list of everyone who assists Trump’s frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election. Name and shame forever.”


We should keep and publish a list of everyone who assists Trump’s frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election. Name and shame forever.

— Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 (@EvanMcMullin) November 6, 2020

The next day, McMullin was echoed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who called for the archiving of the public statements of Trump supporters, tweeting, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 6, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments inspired the formation of a group making a list of anyone who ever “represented” Trump:

Who could have seen this coming pic.twitter.com/8cUBQxMHgP

— Gulag Inmate 4859 (@JackPosobiec) November 6, 2020

McMullin got blasted for what critics slammed as fascistic tactics. Among his critics was Newsweek opinion editor and former Daily Wire writer and editor Josh Hammer: “How very fascist of you.”

How very fascist of you. https://t.co/GXLLcBQv3D

— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) November 8, 2020

Political pundit Bethany Mandel tweeted: “Rich from a guy who spent four years calling Trump a fascist. This is some sh** and you know it.”

Rich from a guy who spent four years calling Trump a fascist. This is some shit and you know it.

— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) November 8, 2020

Author Chad Felix Greene wrote: “The party of Stalin.”

The party of Stalin. https://t.co/Juc0XY1K9l

— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) November 7, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments elicited even more blowback.

Professor Bret Weinstein: “You are an elected representative in a democratic republic and you are setting the stage for retribution against fellow citizens for the crime of holding a different opinion. It’s un-American, you should stop it and council others to do the same.”

You are an elected representative in a democratic republic and you are setting the stage for retribution against fellow citizens for the crime of holding a different opinion. It's un-American, you should stop it and council others to do the same. https://t.co/UN1tceoHVA

Ocasio Cortez Kicked Off

— Bret Weinstein (@BretWeinstein) November 6, 2020

Radio and Fox News host Mark Levin: “Commie bastard wants to create an enemies list.”

Commie bastard wants to create an enemies list https://t.co/fjYiNLeyaP

— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 7, 2020

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway: “I’d say rounding up 70 million Americans for political punishment is a bit ambitious, but it is kind of on brand for a socialist I guess…”

I'd say rounding up 70 million Americans for political punishment is a bit ambitious, but it is kind of on brand for a socialist I guess… https://t.co/mIhDeUlGuh

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 7, 2020

Journalist Tim Pool: “The mask came right off didnt it.”

The mask came right off didnt it https://t.co/ioRLaPsPo8

— Tim Pool (@Timcast) November 7, 2020

Political pundit Stephen Miller pointed out: “So one of the people on the list Ocasio-Cortez called for is Sheldon Adelson. Also on the list are legally appointed judges… Are we still doing that threat to personal safety over elected officials thing or is that era officially over?”

Also on the list are legally appointed judges… Are we still doing that threat to personal safety over elected officials thing or is that era officially over?

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 6, 2020

Philosopher/mathematiciam Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “AOC, must we then compile a blacklist with the names of the 70 million who voted against your preferences? Must we not also compile the list of elected representatives proposing Soviet-style purges?”

AOC, must we then compile a blacklist with the names of the 70 million who voted against your preferences?

Must we not also compile the list of elected representatives proposing Soviet-style purges? https://t.co/nl9Sgj2Zlh

— Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) November 7, 2020

Attorney Daniel Ravicher, who has argued before the Supreme Court, wrote: “Yes let’s make a list of everyone who disagrees with Democrats. Then we’ll make them wear special armbands so everyone can tell who they are. After that we’ll put them into the same neighborhood together and blame them for all our problems. After that, camps and final solution.” He added, “Footnote: My entire Ukrainian Jewish family, including my grandfather, was killed by Hitler. So, yeah, I kinda don’t like government officials making lists of people that don’t agree with them so they, although having violated no law, can nonetheless be ‘held accountable.’”

Footnote: My entire Ukrainian Jewish family, including my grandfather, was killed by Hitler.

So, yeah, I kinda don't like government officials making lists of people that don't agree with them so they, although having violated no law, can nonetheless be 'held accountable.'

— Daniel B Ravicher (@danravicher) November 7, 2020

Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez

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